Commercial General Liability

What's Covered?
Our policy automatically covers:
- Your Insured’s legal liabilities for bodily injury or property damage resulting from your Insured’s Operations, Products they Manufacture or Premises that they Occupy.
- Bodily Injury or Property damage resulting from the Insured’s Operations
- Cover is available and can be extended to include:
Personal & Advertising Injury
Products & Completed Operations
Hired & Non-Owned Autos
Employee Benefits
Tenants Legal Liability
Additional Coverage Info
Examples of Risks Underwritten (Including, but not limited to):
- Common Carriers
- Manufacturer’s Agents
- Wholesale Distributors
- Advertising Agents
- Our in-house authority provides $5M, with higher limits available upon request
- Cover can be written on a claim-made or occurrence basis
Commercial General Resources
Commercial General Application
Have questions? Contact us today!
If you've already filled in the applications, attach them in the form below.